Return to work

Group of young architects discussing new blocks of flats and other places of the city at meeting

Injury management and return to work

UNSW supports the safe return to work of injured workers as soon as practicable following work related injury and/or illness and is committed to the principle of workplace injury management.

Workplace injury management is about returning injured workers to productive employment as quickly (efficiently/promptly) and as safely as possible following a work-related injury or illness. The underlying principle of workplace injury management is that rehabilitation in the workplace, rather than at home or in a medical institution, is both more effective and more productive.

As per Section 42 of the Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act 1998, UNSW advocates a co-ordinated and managed program that integrates all aspects of injury management (including treatment, rehabilitation, re-training, claims management and employment management practices) for the purpose of achieving optimum results in terms of a timely, safe and durable return to work for injured workers.

The University employs a Return-to-Work Co-Ordinator responsible for co-ordinating the injury management and return to work for injured UNSW staff members. Duties are carried out in accordance with the Workplace Injury Management Act 1998 and Workers Compensation Act 1987, associated regulations and guidelines.

The role of the Return-to-Work Co-Ordinator is to liaise with the following parties, as required, in assessing the injury management and rehabilitation needs of the injured worker, co-ordinating services/arrangements necessary to meet those needs, and in providing assistance in nominating suitable duties:

  • injured worker
  • nominated treating doctor
  • manager(s) or supervisor(s)
  • accredited rehabilitation provider (where involved)
  • other treating allied health professionals
  • claims officers
  • union representative (where requested by worker)

To abide by State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) Authority's Confidentiality of Rehabilitation Information: Guidelines for RTW Programs with regard to access to rehabilitation records and consent to release information.

The two primary objectives are:

  • The development and monitoring of Injury Management Plans for injured employees who have suffered a significant injury.
  • Secondly develop individual return to work plans in line with medical advice, with the aim of restoring workers to the highest physical, vocational, social, economic and psychological function possible consistent with their pre-injury status.

To develop and review the UNSW Workplace Injury Management Program and the UNSW Workplace Return to Work Program in consultation with UNSW Management, WHS committees and unions, at intervals prescribed by SIRA.

Under the NSW Workplace Injury Management and Workers Compensation Act, 1998, an Injury Plan must be developed if you have sustained a ‘Significant Injury’. These Injury Management Plans are focused on providing you with appropriate medical treatment and early return to work opportunity.

A ‘Significant Injury’ is defined as a “workplace injury that is likely to result in the worker being incapacitated for a continuous period of more than 7 days, whether or not any of those days are work days and whether or not the incapacity is total or partial or a combination of both”.

The Return-to-Work Co-Ordinator is to abide by SIRA' confidentiality of Rehabilitation Information: Guidelines for Return to Work Programs with regards to access to rehabilitation records and consent to release information.

Within this roleUNSW will develop and review the UNSW Workplace Injury Management Program and UNSW Workplace Return to Work Program in consultation with UNSW Management, Work Health Safety Committees' and unions, at intervals prescribed by State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA).

You will need to select a doctor as your nominated treating doctor whose role will be to co-ordinate your medical treatment, medical certification and return to work.

Under workers compensation legislation you are unable to change your Nominated Treating Doctor unless under exceptional circumstances E.g. extended leave of Doctor. If you believe you have a valid reason for changing your Nominated Treating Doctor please contact us immediately.

In accordance with s270, of the Workplace Injury Management Act 1998 and section 44B of The Workers Compensation Act 1987, The Workers Declaration must be submitted with the SIRA Certificate of Capacity otherwise payments may be discontinued. Section 48A of the 1998 Act now provides power to suspend, terminate and cease weekly payments if the worker fails to comply with s48 (RTW obligations of a worker). 

For further Information links:

Return to Work Program Procedure PDF

Injury Management Program Procedures PDF

State Insurance Regulatory Authority (SIRA) Certificate of Capacity

SIRA Workers Compensation Resourse Page

SIRA Your Nominated Treated Doctor Resourse Page

Independent Medical Examination

Independent Medical Consultants PDF

Consent Form (document)

Pre-Injury Average Weekly Earnings (document)

Reimbursement Form (document)